The AKKON controller board is a development respectively prototyping board based on the LPC2148 micro controller. Applications can easily be built and programmed using free development tools. The board can be extended using the AKKON IO-Modules.

General features
- MCU: LPC2148 16/32 bit ARM7TDMI-S™ with 512KB Flash and 42KB RAM
- 60 MHz clock frequeny
- USB 2.0 interface with USB link led
- 32.768 kHz crystal and RTC backup battery connector
- 5 Volt tolerant IO
- on board voltage regulators 24V, 3.3V, 800mA
- power input 6-36V DC , board can also be powerd over USB
- SPI interface
- RS 232 over USB (FTDI 232RL)
- programmable using serial, USB or JTAG interface
- standard JTAG connector with ARM 2×10 pin layout for programming/debugging with ARM-JTAG
- reset button
- external reset using RS232 interface
Specific features
- free gnu c compiler and IDE available
- interfaces to to the AKKON IO-modules
- 1 PWM output
- 16 digital inputs and outputs
- 6 further digital inputs or outputs alternatively to JTAG (depending on hardware configuration)
- 1 general purpose led
- 3 status led for USB connections
- 1 status led indicating power supply
- 2 analogue inputs alternatively usable as digital IO
- most of IO pins connected to IDC header board plugs
- standard 2,54 mm connectors for easy connection to other hardware
- extra connectors for SPI, analogue output, Power, Pin P0.22, reference voltage for ADC and reset circuit