Hobby CNC

Kontakt| Impressum
do-it yourself hobby CNC machine

CNC machine project

In this section your will find some information about my first CNC machine procjet. Pictures are currently not all up to date but will be updated soon.


Data of the CNC-system

  • Operating system: CNC-software for MS-Windows

  • Spindle speed control phase controller spindle

  • Motor driver: 4 Ampere stepper motor cards

  • Dimensions: 500mm x 400mm * 400mm




control system


stepper motor card


CNC software


phase controller


milling spindle


CNC controller














Impressum | Haftungsausschluss

Version 1.0, ©Gerhard Burger 2004-2013, alle Rechte vorbehalten, letzte Änderung 09.11.2013