Many PCB-Layout programs (software for designing Printed Circuit
Boards) are able to create production data for drilling printed
circuit boards in Excellon format but most CNC-machines can not
process the data directly. Conequently data have to be converted
to a readable format. This task can be done using the Excellon to
G-Code convertor.
2 Functionality
convesion of Execellon-files to DIN G-Code
user definable code for tool change
scaling and movement of geometry data
adjust numeric input data format
creation of drilling path either as G00/G01-commands or G79/G81
drill cycles with user configuration of drill strategy
creation of tool definition file for AkkonDesk
3 Conversion
Figure 1 shows an example ot the conversion result. Each time a
x or y coordinate movement is identified the convertor adds an up
command in the output file, writes the x- of y-command and adds
a down command. As different machines have diefferent code for tool
change the user can also specify macros that will be added befor
and after a tool change.